NTSB releases preliminary report for PC-12, Hawker 1000 ground strike in New York

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A typical February day at Long Island MacArthur Airport (ISP) took a turn when a taxiing Pilatus PC-12 hit a Hawker 1000 that was sitting on a ramp for Hawthorne Global Aviation Services.

Ground collisions between stationary and moving aircraft are rare, and the NTSB’s preliminary report sheds light on the incident. Fortunately, there were no injuries reported for the PC-12’s pilot or its passenger, but both aircraft were extensively damaged.

Videos posted online show the taxi of the PC-12, which appeared normal until the aircraft’s speed suddenly increased. Head on with the Hawker 1000 during the change in speed, the PC-12 collided with its right wing. Moments before the crash, the ramp marshaller recognized the situation and was able to get out of the PC-12’s path in time.

The PC-12 was being operated as a Part 91 personal flight. The pilot stated in the report that the passenger, who was also pilot-rated, helped complete the cockpit checklist before preparing for engine start.

“While pushing on the toe brakes he pushed the starter switch and verified that the oil pressure was rising, and the compressor turbine (Ng) had increased to 13%. At 13%, he noted the temperature of the engine oil, and moved the condition lever to flight idle per the checklist,” said the report.

As the pilot observed the Ng increase to 40%, he felt the airplane “lurching forward.” Fast approaching the parked Hawker 1000, he reached to secure the Condition Lever, but his thumb slipped off the securing device.

The impact with the parked Hawker 1000 caused the right wing of the Pilatus PC-12 to be torn from its body. The engine continued to operate, and the passenger assisted the pilot in moving the Condition Lever to the Cut-Off/Feather position, pulled the Fuel Shutoff and ACS Bleed control levers.

The investigation of the incident is not complete, but the NTSB has retained the PC-12’s combination cockpit voice and flight data recorder as it continues to search for answers.

PREVIOUS REPORTING: NTSB investigating after Pilatus PC-12 strikes Hawker 1000 on ground in New York

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