World Energy begins expansion at SAF production facility

World Energy has secured the permits required to increase its output by 700% at its production facility in Southern California, converting the facility into the world’s first and North America’s only commercial-scale sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) production site. This marks the sixth year that the fuel provider has offered SAF at a commercial scale.

The $2 billion project will offer approximately 340 million gallons of sustainable fuel annually.

Air Products, a hydrogen producer, and SAF tech company Honeywell are teaming up with World Energy to further improve the distribution hub and replicate it on a global scale.

According to World Energy, long-term agreements are currently being made with companies heavily reliant on aviation to secure access to the plant’s SAF supply.

“World Energy’s transformation of its facility to producing 100% sustainable fuel is good for the planet and it’s good for our city,” said Paramount Mayor Vilma Cuellar Stallings. “Locally, the refinery will never again deal with petroleum products, which of course will be healthy for our residents.”

Formerly the site of a major oil refinery, the company says that its production facility’s supply of sustainable fuels will displace over 76 million metric tons of carbon dioxide by 2050. That is the equivalent of 3.8 million carbon-net-zero flights from Los Angeles to New York.

“Getting real about net-zero aviation is going to require the mobilization of expertise and resources far beyond anything that has come before,” said Gene Gebolys, CEO of World Energy. “We are pulling together the very best companies in the world with the expertise, experience, commitment, and focus to collaborate on pushing the frontier of what can be done to decarbonize aviation today while building a platform for what needs to be done to decarbonize flight entirely by 2050.”

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