3 reasons why hoteliers need a CDP that’s built for our industry

Let’s face it: technology investments can be expensive. That’s why it’s so important for hoteliers to make sure you choose partners that will ultimately increase your bottom line and advance your mission to create amazing guest experiences.

Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) are quickly becoming an essential part of the modern hospitality tech stack, and for good reason — a CDP is the backbone of any first-party data strategy and key to creating personalized guest messaging.

Unfortunately, most CDP providers don’t understand the hospitality industry or hospitality data — and that can lead to bad outcomes for hoteliers. When making a technology investment for a new CDP, you need to make sure you’re choosing the right industry-specific partner, one who understands and prioritizes your needs. Here are three reasons why it’s beneficial for you to select a CDP designed specifically for the hospitality sector.

Reason #1: A hospitality CDP is made for hospitality data

Most generic or “horizontal” CDPs are made primarily for app and internet browsing data, which works great for apps and web-based businesses, but hospitality businesses have many other crucial data that you need to capture and analyze to understand your guests. We’re talking about zero-party data: personal information that guests intentionally and proactively share with your hotel, without any intermediary or third-party sources.

Some examples of zero-party data include information gleaned from booking preferences and stay history, pre-arrival and post-stay surveys, email campaign interactions, dining and spa reservations, and more. It’s a goldmine of insights. The trouble is that generic CDPs often don’t have the right integrations to tap into this treasure trove. So while generic CDPs may be able to handle basic guest information, they can’t help you access the real gems that lie in obtaining those personalized insights.

Revinate is the only CDP built specifically for the hospitality sector. We track visitors’ behavior across our suite of apps for the voice, email, and text channels — plus integrate with key hospitality data sources like your PMS, spa, restaurant, and golf reservations systems. This helps you create a 360-degree view of your guests and what makes them tick (or rather, book!)

We have trained our AI and machine-learning models specifically on hospitality data, so that we can bring you the most accurate and advanced identity resolution technology available. With this accurate 360-degree view, hoteliers can begin to anticipate guest needs, personalize offerings, and provide those unforgettable experiences that build loyalty.

Reason #2: Generic CDPs can require expensive middleware

System integration is a top tech challenge for hoteliers. Generic CDPs typically do not have pre-built integrations for legacy hospitality tech systems, and don’t prioritize the sector enough to invest the time and energy into creating them. You may need to invest significant resources into building your own integration or expensive middleware to connect your PMS to your CDP. This leads to bottlenecks that prolong the implementation process and delay time-to-value.

Managing middleware and custom integrations can come with big sticker prices, both in terms of software purchases and hiring additional team members. The long, frustrating journey from implementation to optimization ends up putting a strain on resources and impeding the agility you need to remain competitive.

Revinate’s hospitality-specific CDP streamlines the implementation process, minimizing downtime and maximizing your property’s earning potential. With implementation specialists well-versed in the intricacies of legacy software and hospitality technology, there’s no wrestling with costly middleware solutions. Instead, you’ll be up and running faster and start seeing significant returns on your investment sooner. You’ll be equipped with a tailored platform designed to enhance guest experiences, optimize operations, and boost profitability.

Reason #3: A specialized CDP tackles hospitality-specific security challenges

Nearly one-third of hospitality businesses have experienced a data breach. Hotels, resorts, and casinos represent ideal targets for cybercrime due to the abundance of data they hold, including Payment Card Information (PCI) and Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

While any CDP worth its salt will support compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), hospitality businesses face unique security hurdles. For example, a high level of seasonal staff turnover. All it takes is one mistake or miscommunication for a cybercriminal to exploit vulnerabilities and jeopardize your most sensitive data.

Properties may also be dealing with complex ownership structures that include diverse computer systems across franchises. All of this underscores the critical need for a hospitality-specific CDP equipped to tackle these nuanced security challenges head-on.

A key benefit of a CDP customized for hospitality’s unique needs is that it’s designed to help you manage industry-specific security challenges, empowering you to safeguard guest data with confidence. For example, the Revinate CDP addresses seasonal team churn by offering centralized user management. This gives you granular control over who accesses customer data and mitigates the risk of unauthorized breaches. Furthermore, it offers the ability to quickly audit deleted users, ensuring transparency and accountability, which is crucial for maintaining compliance with data privacy regulations.

Partner with a trusted industry-focused CDP provider

With hospitality’s unique challenges in mind, hoteliers need a partner who “gets it.” A tailored solution designed for the hospitality industry is the wisest investment. Revinate’s CDP empowers its hotel, resort, and casino customers to thrive through personalized guest experiences and steadfast data protection in an ever-evolving landscape.

Andy Luersen, Marketing Consultant for Twins Farms, says it best. “I am grateful for the support we receive from Revinate. [They’re] always sharing best practices and helping us improve our performance. It’s a true partnership.”

Are you ready for a CDP designed to meet your business’s unique challenges? Request a demo.

About Revinate

Revinate empowers hoteliers to directly connect with their guests.

Our Guest Data Platform and communication solutions unlock revenue for hoteliers and put them in control of the full guest experience — initial research, booking, check-in, throughout the stay, and even after check out — all via the communication channels that guests prefer, whether it’s voice, text, email, or web.

More than 12,000 hotels globally bank on Revinate to drive direct revenue and deliver delightful guest experiences.

Ask us how we do it. Visit our website to get a demo.

Sanjana Chappalli
VP of Brand Marketing and Communications
Revinate, Inc.

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